Web Design Kayleigh Noele Web Design Kayleigh Noele

Squarespace for Bloggers

Squarespace is the perfect choice for bloggers. With extra functionality add through code, we can filter posts, add a sidebar, create share buttons and make your site much more user friendly.

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Squarespace Customisation Kayleigh Noele Squarespace Customisation Kayleigh Noele

How To Target, Edit and Apply CSS To A Specific Block On Squarespace

One of the great things about working with CSS in Squarespace is the ability to apply edits to specific blocks. I am forever receiving questions asking how to make changes to ONE contact form but not the other, how to add a border to a few pictures but not others, how to make the H3 smaller in only a certain place… this, is how.  

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Business Kayleigh Noele Business Kayleigh Noele

Does my Squarespace website need professional photography?

I get asked on almost every client call, if the business doesn’t already have professional photography, whether it is worth the investment. The answer is simple: YES. A bold, italic, capitalised yes! Professional photography will up-level your business like nothing else (except maybe branding).

I interviewed my go-to photographer (and girlboss friend) Sophie Carefull, to find out more about what she does, how she started and how she can help you with professional branding photography for you business.

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